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Simple Medicine

How to get closer to God

19 July 2022:

We worship whatever it is we are spending our time on. Whatever we want to spend time doing. If we listen to a certain type of music, we want what it's saying. Then we sing those lyrics back and affirm what was already in our heads, to our hearts.

Applying those principals to being Christian:

  1. The YouTube videos that I watch, are they about God?

  2. The music that I listen to, what is it saying? Is it brining me into a deeper relationship with God? or with lust and covetousness and worst of all...pride?

  3. The celebrities that I learn so much about and watch their movies because I "like those actors", aren't I essentially worshiping them instead of God?

These are just a few examples. I'm not saying every single second of your day should be filled with singing praises to God (although would that be so bad?). I'm saying that if we put those kinds of activities (watching YouTube or TikTok videos, listening to music and watching movies and learning about persons from those movies), into a way to praise God, like watching sermons from awesome pastors like Pastor Joseph Prince, Pastor Joel Osteen, Pastor David Hernandez, watching educational videos about saints and about the spirit world, listening to Worship music and then of course singing it, watching entertaining Christian shows like "The Chosen" or other movies that bring you closer to Jesus. All these activities would be things that you do for fun and in your spare time.

Of course you attend mass, read your Bible, give alms, fast and all other Christian practices, but even your entertainment that you seek out should be to seek Christ. A closer relationship to him by getting to know him more and more.

"In all thy ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your paths" Proverbs 3:6

In everything that you do, one question should be pounding in your head: "Am I doing God's will?" To answer that, we need to know what God likes and does not. What is right in his eyes, and what is wrong.


All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”

Ah yes, the Golden rule.

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