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Bee Blog

Updated: May 30, 2022

27 May

Dad put a new swarm trap

21 May

Mites attacking the brown box under sour orange. Also looks like it's getting rotten and has rotten frames. Need to change box and frames

17 May 2022 nuc by waxapple: saw 2 empty queen cells, 1 frame with capped honey and some eggs on another frame. big nuc next to small nuc has plenty of honey and eggs and bees. did not see queeny Brown box sour orange: large loose comb in top box and we put in lower box white box with 3 (now 2) no swarm cells or queen cells but lots of honey and eggs. took frame full of honey 🍯.

May 12: Placed new hive collected by swarm trap to their lnew location behind the brooding area:

May 1: Bees in the swarm trap!

April 29: Dad made split from white hive with 3 boxes

April 24: Made 2 swarm traps

April 18th

5 queen cells seen in last box of hive with 3 boxes

April 2nd

Transferred one frame with eggs and queen cell and honey from white hive with 3 boxes to new nuc.

March 31: Made nuc from brown box and put it by waxapples.

March 27:

Shifted frames in hive behind brooding area, into a new clean box.

March 19, 2022

Lots more honey in all hives.

Need to change brooding area hive boxes

Need to remove excluders to give queen more space.

Sun 6 Feb 2022

Recovery from the winter, slow startup of honey production.

Jan 3: White hive with 3 boxes:

o Removed the middle box, placed on top and put excluder on top of 2nd box.

o Did not see any honey

o Sink hive swarmed


28 Nov 2021

o Box behind brooding area: mite in excluder, some eggs and honey. Not much activity in the top box, but we shifted some frames from the bottom box to the top box.

o 1st split: 3 frames with some bees and eggs

o 2nd split in sink box: saw the queen (healthy) and plenty of bees in the 7 frames.

o Brown hive with 2 boxes: plenty of bees and plenty of honey, we put 2 or 3 frames with the honey from the bottom box into the top box.

o 1st white box (from sink box previously): Some honey and many bees. Did not see the queen but saw eggs.

14 November 2021

o Last week, we transferred the 2nd brown box bees into a white one since it wasn’t sitting properly. Today we put a third box b/w the first and 2nd full of empty frames, to give the bees more room to work.

o We put an excluder for the 2nd new white hive (in between the bottom box and top box) and took 2 frames from the 1st brown box to harvest.

1st white box (previously from Sink box), next to new split in sink box on the left.

2nd brown box now a white box with the super placed between the top and 2nd box.

Sat 23rd October 2021:

o All hives have been transferred to shadier place under the mango tree and put on concrete platforms.

o Currently have 4 hives with 2 boxes each and 2 splits (the one from gayman). So we have 6 hives total.

o Our brown boxes have lots of honey and eggs. We have capped honey in both and even harvested today. Our split from our last beehive is successful and may have to transfer to a bigger box soon.

o Sometime in September we had transferred the new hive to a new place under a mango tree behind the brooding area. Last week in September we made a split from this hive.

o Today we removed the excluder from the white box (previously from the sink box). It seems to have gotten stronger from the last time we checked but may need to create a stronger hive so the queen now has more space to lay.

25 Aug: Got Hive number 5 from Gayman

Put super and queen excluder for Hive 2.

We made a split from Hive 3 and placed by the black house. Now forming Hive 4

We put super for Hive 3. Removed 2 frames of honey from Hive 2 and put into Hive 4.

June 27:

Shifted frames from Hive 2 (Abs box) to Dad’s Father’s day gift (a new white box). We saw sheets of combs stuck together and separated all, enough to get 2 boxes full of frames.

Hive 3 and 1:

June 15: Shifted box 1 to better hive with 3 boxes. Put queen excluder onto 2nd box. Hive 3 (small white box) swarmed so now the Rasta’s hive is now Hive 3.

May 16: Shifted small box with 2 filled frames to larger box due to increased activity. Lots of eggs. Abs box is full of activity. Lots of honey in big hive of 2 boxes

May 11: Got a box with bees (#4) from Rastas

April 30: Mr. Noah made V shaped box

April 24: We got honey from drop cone and saw a queen! No queen cells but lots of honey

April 15: Dad removed 3rd box and queen excluder

April 11- Put queen excluder on top of 2nd box and put a super (3rd box) on top. Transferred 2nd split to bigger brown box with 5 more frames so they now have 10 frames to work with. The hive with 3 boxes has 30 frames. 10 in super only for honey!

April 7: added 2nd box to top of box with big drop cone. Saw lots of activity in 2nd split. (small white box)

April 4 (Easter)- Checked both boxes and saw lots of activity and huge drop cone on the roof!

-- Dad made moat for Ants not to cross

March 25- Made split with 2nd box and transferred the rest of the frames to the big box. Ants ate the first box

Feb 14- Checked our split and saw lots of honey

Jan 24-

Made our 1st bee split (Put 2 frames in another box).


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