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Simple Medicine

Female Repro

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

Decreased synthesis of GnRH in hypothalamus (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism)? Kallmann syndrome

Genotypically male but phenotypically female? Androgen insensitivity syndrome

4XXY? Klinefelter's syndrome

NBME 26 point: 26 year old woman with well developed stratum basale, intact spiral arteries, abundant endometrial stroma and long, straight uterine glands with no secretions in their lumens. Which option best corresponds in the patient's menstrual cycle when the biopsy was done?

Point B

Where on this graph would you see in the endometrium: coiled glands filled with carbohydrate-rich mucus, edematous stroma and tortuous spiral arteries? Point D

Point D is at the secretory phase.

Detective is looking for clues in the garden which happens to have a fishy smell. There's a wet mount of dirt where he found some clues (clue cells: squamous epithelial cells with some adherent bacteria). There are some gray-white fish (discharge color) on the ground.

There is a bush of trickery (trichomonas) nearby with yellow-green (discharge color) pears. But these pears are none other than flagellated trophozoites.

Androgens synthesized in the ovaries are converted to estradiol in which of the following cell types? Granulosa cells

Skin dimpling on the right breast, Skin retraction without discoloration or swelling in the right breast. Irregular, immobile mass in right upper outer quadrant of breast. This is due to malignant infiltration of which structure? Suspensory ligament (aka Cooper ligaments): Axillary lymph node metastasis is different because it involves discoloration and swelling of the breast (peau d'orange) and are not skin retractions.

Right ovarian vein thrombosis can extend into which vein? IVC

Where does Left ovarian vein thrombosis extend into? Left renal vein.

Common in multiparous women and prior uterine surgery. Caused by abnormal collection of endometrial glands and stroma within the uterine myometrium

Causes of abnormal menses?

Infertility, nulliparous, retroverted uterus? Endometriosis caused by ectopic endometrial tissue.

Cause of ovarian torsion? Twisting of infundibulopelvic ligamnent

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