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Simple Medicine

The Medical Journey so far

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

Aug 2019

I was doing Uworld questions on tutor mode because I felt I didn't know enough to be testing myself yet. So I was doing questions at a very slow, time consuming rate. I took a CBSE exam in December and failed.. miserably.

Jan 2020

I bought Lecturio in January 2020 and thought that would help. I started my research on COVID at that time as well and started my YouTube channel and upgraded my Facebook page and Instagram page as well.

After some not so consistent studying, I took another CBSE in March and failed again though with a slightly higher mark.

I should say here that during the Lenten period (I am Catholic), I felt this call to fast.

Aug 2020

So I began fasting and by August I lost 20 pounds! By that time I had forgotten about my exam because I was so over the moon. I had never been able to lose 1 pound, and in the course of 7-8 months I had lost 20! Praise be to God!

So in August, I pushed back the date to take my CBSE because I just never felt ready. Eventually I sort of gave up studying because I felt it was futile and just overwhelming.

So I figured: Hey let me start a business so I can contribute something to my family's income instead of feeling like a useless bum who can't pass the qualifying exam. So I started producing different raw foods that I could sell and I made about $2,000.00 from it.

January 2021

In January 2021, I purchased USMLE Success Academy and started studying seriously again. Then I took the exam in June and failed..again but with a slightly higher mark.

June 2021

Then after about roughly 3 or so weeks of depression, I decided to do some volunteer work at the hospital nearby. I did so for about a month.

I purchased Kaplan in about August and started again. Then by October my subscription had expired and I kind of floated from October to November. At the end of November I said Screw it, I'm gonna take another one to see where I'm at and just take one every month.

December 2021

So I got 167 in the last one I took on Dec 29, 2021. At this time, I have faith in God like I never had before. I'm going to take it one day at a time and push to do my questions as diligently as possible.

Now I'm in January 2022 and I am currently doing 2021 Uworld questions I found online. I'm gonna schedule another CBSE for end of January and rely very heavily on God to help me pass.

March 1:

Ok, so I didn't take one in January...or February, but I have just scheduled one for the end of March. So I've made this schedule for me to follow and I really hope I follow this one diligently. I seem to never follow a schedule to the tee, so I'm really going to try in this one:

Also since it's lent tomorrow I have added a lot of new activities into my schedule and am willing myself to follow them all.

Study schedule from 1-24 March 2022

50 Q’s per weekly topics everyday to total 200 Q’s a day from Monday to Friday = 500 Q’s a week

1) Week 1: Respi and CVS, MSK and Heme

2) Week 2: Renal and Endo, GI and Repro

3) Week 3: Immuno and Micro, Neuro and General path

4) Week 4: Biochem and Genetics, Biostats and Behavoural Science

Saturday: Review topics in First Aid

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